December is
approaching I am very happy. the gaitas zulianas and delicious traditional food
in our country. one of the main Christmas dishes is a plate wrapped hallaca is
typical, is a dish made with corn dough with chicken broth flavored and colored
with annatto, stuffed with a stew of beef, pork and chicken which is add
olives, grapes, raisins, almonds, capers, peppers and onions, wrapped in a
banana leaf rectangular or bijao, finally to be tied with string or pita and
boiled in water.
the gaitas zulianas
is an original musical Zulia state in Venezuela. Today it is a genre that is
associated with Christmas in all of Venezuela and Venezuelans in communities
around the world in your language versions
Excelente Post.. Mesa de trabajo del RINCON DE LA ABUELA VENEZOLANA. Visitanos